
Daily Inspire

What's your love language?

Published 4 months ago • 3 min read

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One of the questions I get after people read my book is how to actually implement love in business.

This question is akin to asking, “How do you dance with soul?” the answer to which is something like, let go.

But I want to give you a practical framework you can use, so let’s try one that already exists: the widely-recognized Love Languages.

But, in Business. 😏

The Love Languages in Business

If you haven't taken the Love Languages test, it's quite helpful and contrary to what people assume, they can in fact change over time and circumstance. Sometimes you need more physical touch and other times you need more acts of service––each have their place in different proportions. And it's the same for business, only how they translate is what I'd like to focus on.

Let’s break down what each might look like in the business world:

  1. Words of Affirmation = Encouragement. The entirety of my Daily Inspire weekday newsletter is based on this. One of my friend's even dubbed me, "The World's Cheerleader" (slight offense taken). But really, I just think people are too often discouraged and this hurts me in a visceral way. It hurts because even if you do believe you have multiple lives, you only have this life in this body at this time in this world as it is right now. And you should do the things you want with it.
  2. Acts of Service = Do-It-For-Me. One of the most profitable avenues in business is Services. It's also the quickest way to get started. You are literally taking care of what someone needs or wants done––that's the job. If you’ve got the capacity (and it does require a shit ton of capacity), you can make great money here.
  3. Quality Time = Show Me How. This is what I think (smart) social media content is about. Spending time with someone online has potential to show them who you are, what you do and how you think. And with strategic content, you're showing them on purpose. This is what being an educator-creator is all about (thanks to Jay Clouse for that beautiful terminology).
  4. Receiving Gifts = Give Me Tools. My friend Dornaburi who I met at the CEX conference in Phoenix a couple years back shipped me a web cam in support of me doing more videos online; he purposefully reduced a barrier of entry for me. But it doesn't have to be hardware. Valuable PDFs, checklists, guides, are things you make to help someone reduce friction in achieving their aims.
  5. Physical Touch = Hold Me. If you know me at all, you know that I believe a company’s support is the biggest determinant of its long-term success. It’s the reason I partner with the companies I do and why I visit very particular coffee shops. They hold me through the journey––yes, even in deciding which single origin bean I should use in my Chemex. And guess what? People, at all ages, still like to be held.

What's your love language? What do you need right now? Hit reply and let me know; I'll help how I can.

📈 Behind the Business: A Few WTF Website Audit Spots Available

Every year I open up slots to do a website audit for individuals, small businesses and nonprofits. It's a recorded session with detailed feedback to improve your site and is designed (and priced) to be super accessible.

Arguably, the hardest part of putting yourself online is figuring out how to talk about yourself (we call this "messaging and positioning"). Not to mention figuring out site structure, flow, call-to-actions, and the technical details. We also pay for very expensive software that helps us analyze things (so you don't have to).

A lot goes into an online presence and I'd like to help you make the most of it.

⚡️ Quickhits

Have some fun this week, will you?


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Tanya Moushi ("moo-shee"),
Moushi & Co. | Daily Inspire
Designing Good Business

PS: Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help:

1/ This is my weekly long-form letter. For my tiny weekday newsletter of emotional support and well-being, sign-up at (yes, .co!). People describe it as a virtual morning hug.

2/ Essentially everything I believe about Business (and why) can be found in my book, Love is the Business Plan (and other unconventional ideas).

3/ 1:1 Advisement is used to help you define and develop a winning business strategy.

Daily Inspire

by Tanya Moushi "Moo-shee"

Read Daily Inspire for weekday encouragement and weekend inspiration. Tanya Moushi is a six-figure solopreneur with over a decade of experience. She is the author of Love is the Business Plan and the creator of the newsletter, Daily Inspire. Through her writing, Tanya provides emotional support and encouragement to entrepreneurs, inspiring them to create a business that aligns with their values. Join the journey to learn, grow, and overcome resistance.

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