
Daily Inspire

WE #84: Hit Your Limits

Published about 1 month ago • 3 min read

Grab a cup of coffee. This is the Weekend Edition.
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Yesterday I got a notification from my bank.

I saw the text message pop up on my phone but didn’t read it entirely. I just thought shit. What happened? Did I hit below a certain limit? Was a charge declined somewhere? Is my card stolen?

My brain went into overdrive: Is it an overdraft fee? What did I miss?…

The Surprise of Hitting Your Limits

You can always tell what you fear when your mind jumps to a conclusion before you’ve got a real hold of it.

My reaction to this notification surprised me. I thought my relationship with money was much improved, my thinking around it more evolved.

I pride myself on knowing the place of money: strictly as a tool to provide options, not a be-all end-all solution to life's problems.

But at the slightest hint of an issue, my brain went negative—a signal that I still have work to do around my emotions with money.

And then I opened the text message:

You have reached your upper limit.


I reached my maximum deposit amount for the day.

Holy shit.

A few years ago, I set a notification for what I considered a year's worth of runway, a year of not needing to work.

And I hit that number.

I hit that number working from London, with clients I love, on projects genuinely making the world better, employing women, with enough downtime to be mistaken for a European.

I just stood there quietly. I shared it with nobody––except you, today.

My limits are not crazy. I have friends that make 2x, 3x what I make. But each person has their own goals, their own stepping stones, and I have respect for that. Because it’s a personal game. It’s not keeping up with the Jones’––it’s about you and your limits and your standards and your own ceilings.

So crush them. Raise not just the ceiling; raise the floor.

Not with anxiety or pressure or fear, but with gratitude, with compassion, with love.

This is the whole game for me.

This is the whole game.

📈 Behind the Business: One Person's Retirement is Another's Full Time Job

I actually wrote about Jason Fried last week. He's one of my favorite CEOs as he just does things differently: he plays against himself, follows his gut, and operates on intuition.

Well he recently posted this:

His retirement plan is how I make money today.

It's the base that allows me to play, to build other things, to invest a little bit.

When I started my business (10 years ago this July), my goal was to make $10 a day.

Then it was $100 a day.

Then it was $1000 a day.

Now it's a different game altogether. And I love playing it.

The lesson? Don't compare lives––even with people you admire. Just build the business that works for you.

⚡️ Quickhits

That's it from me today.

Happy Easter, Happy Sunday. Have an amazing week!

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Dig it 👍👍
Do better 😕

Ps: my friend recommended I note the long format weekend edition of this newsletter in the subject line, so you'll see that going forward to make it easy to search (thanks Teen!).

Tanya Moushi ("moo-shee"),
Moushi & Co. | Daily Inspire
Designing Good Business

PS: Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help:

1/ This is my weekly long-form letter. For my tiny weekday newsletter of emotional support and well-being, sign-up at (yes, .co!). People describe it as a virtual morning hug.

2/ Essentially everything I believe about Business (and why) can be found in my book, Love is the Business Plan (and other unconventional ideas).

3/ 1:1 Advisement Sessions are used to move you forward with intention. Use code INSPIRE for $100 off.

Daily Inspire

by Tanya Moushi "Moo-shee"

Read Daily Inspire for weekday encouragement and weekend inspiration. Tanya Moushi is a six-figure solopreneur with over a decade of experience. She is the author of Love is the Business Plan and the creator of the newsletter, Daily Inspire. Through her writing, Tanya provides emotional support and encouragement to entrepreneurs, inspiring them to create a business that aligns with their values. Join the journey to learn, grow, and overcome resistance.

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