
Daily Inspire

The Season for Self-Care

Published 5 months ago • 3 min read

Grab a cup of coffee. This is the Weekend Edition.
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Muscle memory is a funny thing.

This time of year brings back the experience of my Dad’s sudden passing, and it's a bit traumatic for me. Knowing that I need to take extra care of myself this month took me a long time to accept, because I didn’t want to need it. Normally, I pride myself on needing very little.

But what I've come to find is that neglecting our needs and not being honest about them really just encourages others to do the same––and that is not what I want.

So, acceptance it is. However you’re feeling this season, may you benefit from this short list of how to care for yourself a little extra.

The Basics of Self Care This Holiday Season

Feel free to take these reminders and use what serves you:

  • A lot of soup. Like, a lot of soup. Comfort comes in all kinds of ways and warmth during cold seasons is one of the most basic. It sounds like such a simple thing but tea, coffee, hot soup, these are inherently comforting things. Use them for your soul.
  • Sweat or cry, your choice. Perhaps one of the most interesting things about the body is the way it builds up anxiety and tension. It’s impressive, actually, but of course for health reasons you need to get that shit out. You could walk, but it’s likely you’ll need a bit more intensity during trying times. I like very hot baths. And I like to cry.
  • Keep a tidy space. Your mind is cluttered. I know this because we live in the information age and we are bombarded constantly with it, so the fact that you have a lot on your mind is a bet I’m willing to take. Curating an environment that’s simplified and clean, smooth and streamlined, will at least give the feel of order, regardless of the chaos that might be happening inside.
  • Be deliberately slow, but go. I like to work during this time. I recently came across a phrase called “disciplined pacing” which I love for its intention and forward movement. It encourages you to keep going, but in a strategically focused mode—aka slow. Use this time to direct your mind to a project that’s been simmering on the back-burner for awhile.
  • If it brings you any joy, do it. Play guitar but kinda suck? Who cares. Do it. Like writing scenes for a movie you’ll probably never make? Wonderful. Do it. Want to create a new recipe for banana-nut-chocolate-chip muffins? Just do it.

Everything is fine…

If you’re fortunate enough to be filled with love, fairly warm, have enough to eat and can put your head to sleep at night without much fuss, good. That’s nothing to feel bad about. But I do want to remind you, there might be 1-2 people in your circle who are struggling more than they let on, and they’re not going to tell you.

You probably don’t want to bother them or don’t know what to say.

Reach out anyway.

Believe me, it’s the better mistake to make.

📈 Behind the Business: Submit Your Stories of Courage for My New Book 💃🏻

Alright I'm really excited about this.

A couple months ago I sat in on an excellent interview with Chris Guillebeau at London Writer’s Salon, and asked a question that Chris was gracious enough to answer about the role of courage in his life.

The moment it left my lips, I knew I wanted to explore it more, and after sharing the idea with one of my all time favorite authors, I’ve decided to go forward with it.

Introducing The Role of Courage: How Regular People Do Remarkable Things

I want this new book I'm writing to be a highly collaborative display of courage in everyday life. I'll be doing it in phases but I've got big plans as it integrates well with my current business ecosystem.

How Can You Participate?

Do you have a story of courage? A moment where you, or someone you know, rose to the occasion in a way that was transformative? I invite you to share it.

⚡️ Quickhits

Big hugs your way.

Love this ❤️❤️❤️
Dig it 👍👍
Do better 😕

Tanya Moushi ("moo-shee"),
Moushi & Co. | Daily Inspire
Designing Good Business

PS: Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help:

1/ This is my weekly long-form letter. For my tiny weekday newsletter of emotional support and well-being, sign-up at (yes, .co!). People describe it as a virtual morning hug.

2/ Essentially everything I believe about Business (and why) can be found in my book, Love is the Business Plan (and other unconventional ideas).

3/ 1:1 Advisement Sessions are used to get people unstuck. Whether it's needing help with a website, business strategy, messaging or marketing your services, an outside perspective is immensely valuable. Plus if you live in one of these cities, it could be free.

Daily Inspire

by Tanya Moushi "Moo-shee"

Read Daily Inspire for weekday encouragement and weekend inspiration. Tanya Moushi is a six-figure solopreneur with over a decade of experience. She is the author of Love is the Business Plan and the creator of the newsletter, Daily Inspire. Through her writing, Tanya provides emotional support and encouragement to entrepreneurs, inspiring them to create a business that aligns with their values. Join the journey to learn, grow, and overcome resistance.

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